lundi 30 mai 2011
Bolide old school

Bugatti Type 35 (~1930)
Une voiture de course, histoire de changer radicalement de forme. Pis j'aime bien le coté brut de décoffrage de la ligne, limite boite de conserve. Même si j'ai pas choisi le modèle le plus rustique, puisque là il y a déjà quelques rondeurs.
Avec tout ça on va croire que j'adore les bagnoles. Mais je déteste, surtout du fait de l'ABSENCE DE RESPECT SUR LA ROUTE.
Merci de ne plus m'écraser sur les passages piétons.
Les personnes visées se reconnaitront.
4 commentaires | Lien Permanent

4 commentaires:

Chico a dit…

GASP ! What can I say - other than I absolutely love this car series! But maybe you have to have been be an obsessional male teenager raised in North America in the sixties, to really understand what I mean. Cars - those anti-ecological, overblown metal masses - were on a level with girls for spiking hormone levels to dangerously unreasonable heights (ah yes, I dare to admit it...). Now if only the gods in Motown would offer me a 68 Mustang fastback, 2 plus 2, 289 cc engine, 4 barrel carb, complete with a "Bullit" look paint job - then I could die happily.
Désolé, gotta stop slobbering, back to reality... Keep it up. You inspire me...

Tortulut a dit…

Shit, i'm born in the eighties, the time of Renault 4L.
The world is so unfair !

I can understand and feel a part of what you say, even if my vision of the sixties, through books, tv or movies, are probably biased, fantasized.
Forms and looks attract me, and things like Mcqueen in a mustang is something very evocative for me (not necesseraly in a stricly good, or stricly bad way), but i aaaaabsolutely don't care to be behind the wheel.
Same thing with really old car, or locomotives.
I find theses objects somtimes touching (emotionnally), because they are frozen pictures of the past (to make it short).
It's like to see and old 18th Boat in middle of a pack of modern ferries.
We want to say "Strange, where's the poetry on this cold and moderns designs ?!".

And for the gods... i see with them but i can't guarantee you anything...

Msei BD a dit…

Is it mandatory to speak english in this Blog? So I'll try to tell my admiration for this nice painting. I, also, don't like cars but try to avoid people who are on passage clouté (I don't know the exact translation). So I said, I don't like cars but your work is very nice and those old cars have such an organic shapes. Thanks.

Tortulut a dit…

Non c'est juste que Chico donne tellement de cours d'anglais qu'il en oublie qu'il existe d'autres langues dans le monde.
Et puis c'est la nostalgie du pays de naissance, ils sont comme ça les américanadiens, parfois ça jailli d'eux et ils peuvent rien faire.
En tout cas merci pour vos appréciations, et pour les autres je les rassure j'ai pas l'intention de m'éterniser !

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